Inventory and Product Mgt
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Standard Cost
In the field "Standard Material Cost Per Unit“, the price shown has the following properties:
- It follows the decimal placss as set in the Preference.
- If the standard cost was recorded with more than the decimal places as set in Preference, then the number of decimal places follows and the price will show the full decimal places. For example, if your preference decimal places were set to 2, and the product price was calculated contains 6 decimal places, say 12.678912 and it was recorded. Then, when you recall the standard cost, it will show 12.678912 although your decimal places was set to 2.
- If the user at this point change the price to a lower decimal places value, say 12.6789, the system will capture the new price as 12.6789. But it will not go back to 12.678912 when the user attempt to change it back. And if user change the price further to 12.68, then it will be recorded according to this new price with the decimal places of 2. Thereafter, unless the Preference is set again to higher decimal places, it will remain as 2 decimal places which is 12.68.