Receive Customer Payment
The Receive Customer Payment interface provides the abilitiy to the users to process and record the customer's payments.
When entering into this page, user needs to select the bank account to be deposited to of this payment, and select the customer and its branch. Once these are selected, if there is any outstanding invoices for this customer, it will be listed. Depending on the amount paid, user can simply click on the check box and the full amount will be allocated. If the amount allocated is not the full amount of the invoice, user SHOULD NOT check on the check box but enter the amount in the box provided "This Allocation".
The system will then automatically compute the total amount allocated and display in the box "Total Amount Allocated" below the table. Warning: Do not amend the calculated amount unless you absolutely know what you are doing. Note that if it is changed to the value above the Total Amount Allocated, the excess amount will be recorded and can be allocated to other invoices. However, if the value is below the Total Amount Allocated, if the "Add Payment" button is clicked, the invoices will be closed and the shortfall will be written off with no GL recording.