Selling Price

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Selling Price

Tag:#Selling Price

The Selling Price feature is a vital component designed to facilitate the management of pricing strategies for various customer segments within a product catalog. This functionality can be accessed through the Inventory Management, Maintenance, and Selling Price section. Users are provided with the ability to select a specific product, the desired currency, sales type (or customer category), and the intended selling price. Upon input, users can click the "Add New" button to save the price configuration.

This designated selling price takes precedence when a customer falls within the same customer category and is entitled to a specific discount based on the cost price of the product. To illustrate, if a customer belongs to a particular category (e.g., Reseller) and is eligible for a 20% discount on a product, the configured selling price will be used instead of applying the standard 20% discount to the cost price. In cases where a sales price has not been explicitly set for a product, the system will automatically apply the standard discount based on the cost price.

The flexibility of this feature allows users to establish distinct pricing structures for different scenarios, including sales in different currencies or to various customer categories. This ensures precise and tailored pricing strategies to meet the diverse needs of your clientele.

Selling Price.png

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